Sunday, September 24, 2006

Movies With Substance....
Its been a long time that some movie has touched my heart to such an extentthat it I was actually on the verge of shedding tears..... A stone hearted(as called by a few) like me needs real thing to be touching enough....... Idon't get tears in my eyes due to death of someone or some big catastrophy,I don't know whether I am an 'odd' person or what, but that's me!!! I amtouched when anything happening is shown in a peculiar manner, like onescene in a Hollywood movie called 'The Deep End of Ocean' where a kid whowas stolen as a baby, is returned to the original family after somethinglike 15-16 years... the re-union was shown in an awesome way....The reliefon the elder brother's face who used to consider it was all his fault wasshown amazingly. Recently I saw 'Lage Raho Munnabhai', it had a sceneshowing 'Munna' apologising to 'Circuit', it was a normal scene but the wayit was shown along with the expressions of the two characters , the way theycarried it was mind-blowing..... The all time favourite movie that hastouched my heart is 'Masoom'... I cannot pick out any one scene, the entiremovie itself was full of innocence and emotions.....I really wish such movies are made frequently, where their is no sadnessthrough out the movie, it should come, touch your heart and carry on.....